Heal at the Root
& Be in Your Purpose

Rupa Raj

Certified Professional Life Coach & Facilitator
& Board Licensed Ayurvedic Practitioner

Heal at the Root-Cause
& Watch Your Life Change

Most people attempt to treat the symptoms.. feeling anxious? try breathwork feeling stress? try yoga feeling burnout? take a vacation. These remedies all hold merit, but when used without the right level of awareness, fail to make meaningful long lasting impact.

Your exhaustion is real.

Your overwhelm is real.

Your burnout is real.

Don't ever feel guilty about needing breaks from a world that was never set up to protect your emotional health in the first place.

I believe life is always inviting us to grow

How my coaching works

Believe it or not, a lot of what we face as adults, is just our past repeating itself, that's why I use


Working with Rupa is very insightful, healing, transforming and making me feel at peace. I reached out to Rupa because I knew I had unfinished business with my inner child wound (don’t we all? Lol) that kept showing up as trigger in my relationship with people close to me. I knew I needed to go deeper to the root-cause and the healing process. My transformation: From being super defensive, to slowly calming down. From having some anger towards my past to being more accepting and letting go. Rupa’s approach is full of love – she is very understanding, very loving, very calming , which makes you open up easily. Thanks Rupa for bringing healing and peace into my life 💜”


Maura Makarim, Self-Love & Purpose Coach, March 2023

I am very thankful to have been introduced to Rupa. I was searching for a natural and holistic approach to dealing with the mental and physical burnout that often comes with having a busy remote work schedule. In working with Rupa, I was able to redefine a lifestyle that had me feeling more balanced across both mind and body. The diet plan in particular was very helpful in finding natural energy alternatives and pacifying food blends that decreased inflammation in both my stomach and face.

I also found that incorporating stillness and meditation into my routine in the very beginning of my day, set the tone for how I would let stress impact my decision making and productivity. Rupa is a passionate professional who guides with compassion and attentiveness to getting results. I would recommend Rupa for anyone looking at Ayurvedic treatment.”


Sean, Sales Leader, USA, May 2022


This is why I created, 



because, you were never meant to go at it alone

I will

Challenge You


Hold You

I will guide you through proven systems while working with your inner world, inner worth, inner child, and any other parts of you to realign to the new version of you that you want to build through daily, consistent efforts.

Lets retell your story of who you really are and begin to take steps and maybe even leaps into living into your more expansive self.

It's not about trying harder.

Softness opens doors that force cannot move.

Join a Community, where

Modern Psychology meets Ancient Wisdom


Modern Psychology

Be guided deeply & safely to understand your inner world & subconscious drivers to reframe self-defeating mindsets, while using habit psychology to change the trajectory of your life.


Ancient Wisdom

Break away from society's chains, and return back to living in synch with nature. Learn time-tested habits from & techniques from Ayurveda to feel more energy, calm, and confidence throughout your day.



We were never meant to go at it alone. The Radiance Community is truly special and will help you reinforce the lessons, build lasting relationships, and celebrate the growth of one another.

When does it happen?

Join us December 1st! Enrollment Closes January 16th.

What you'll learn inside...

Start building community with other Radiant members who are on the path to releasing blocks, building grounding routines, and changing their life.
Optional: Coaching Sessions
This program will likely expose and bring up parts of yourself you were not previously aware of and are still developing the tools to be with and process.  If you think this may be you or you decide to upgrade later, I am here for you.
Opportunity for 25% off normal session prices.


Working with Rupa has been a magical rollercoaster ride. She held a very safe, brave, and compassionate space for me to unlearn, relearn, and rise from the ashes of despair in my romantic pursuit. She does her magic by going deep into your subconscious and limiting beliefs about love, starting from the self to then to other people.

Without Rupa’s help, I wouldn’t be in the place of self-love that I hold today, which I also inscribed as a tattoo in my left arm. Her impact will be life-long for me and I highly recommend her magic potion for anyone who’s looking to feel and attract love.”


Jourdan, Entrepreneur & Coach, Indonesia, August 2021

Working with Rupa was the single best thing I have experienced for my mental health. She challenged me to dig deeply into my patterns and beliefs, and encouraged me, constructively, to be a great version of myself. Friends and family have noted I sound much lighter and free overall, which I attribute to my sessions with Rupa.

It was like having a best friend with zero strings attached – a no-judgment, no-expectation, safe place for me to talk about my innermost desires and worries and make sense of them. I cannot say enough good things about Rupa and her coaching.

She is kind, caring, analytical, and smart. I think of her all of the time and would recommend her to anyone.”


Anonymous, Lawyer, Indian Descent, April 2022

Ways for Individuals to Work With Me

1:1 Deep Healing Coaching

Personalized to your Specific Needs

Choose between a 4 month or 6 month package.  In both containers, we meet 3x a month.  Each session is between 60-90 minutes. 

This is ideal for you are noticing you keep facing the same scenarios over and over again, but with different people in different situations.  From love, friends, parents, to work, these are all just vehicles to show us we have an unresolved dynamic or pattern that is aching to be break free.  


This is deep coaching, and the work will take a toll on your energy levels, but I am here at every level, from mind, body and essence to ensure we move at a safe space, with nourishing replenishing practices. 

1:1 Intensive Coaching

Personalized & Accelerated Coaching

Very similar to the 1:1 program, this program is for clients who have a desire to deeply focus for six weeks on a specific topic.  It may be to prepare for a new chapter that is opening up for you, it may be to put another chapter to a close.  Whatever it may be, I am here to guide you through this deep desire to release and integrate as you step into who you really are. 

And as with all my coaching containers, you will receive healing at the four layers of mind, emotions, body and spirit.  

Ayurvedic Life Coaching

Personalized & Accelerated Coaching

Very similar to the 1:1 program, this program is for clients who have a desire to deeply focus for six weeks on a specific topic.  It may be to prepare for a new chapter that is opening up for you, it may be to put another chapter to a close.  Whatever it may be, I am here to guide you through this deep desire to release and integrate as you step into who you really are. 

And as with all my coaching containers, you will receive healing at the four layers of mind, emotions, body and spirit.  

in the Radiance Community

Personalized & Accelerated Coaching

Very similar to the 1:1 program, this program is for clients who have a desire to deeply focus for six weeks on a specific topic.  It may be to prepare for a new chapter that is opening up for you, it may be to put another chapter to a close.  Whatever it may be, I am here to guide you through this deep desire to release and integrate as you step into who you really are. 

And as with all my coaching containers, you will receive healing at the four layers of mind, emotions, body and spirit.  

Ways for Businesses to Work With Me

Workshop for Team Building & Corporate Wellness

Personalized & Accelerated Coaching

Could your organization or team benefit from learning 

safe conversations

emotional regulation

using ‘nature’ hacks to promote more energy, balance, and flow performance.  

Wellness Retreats

Very similar to the 1:1 program, this program is for clients who have a desire to deeply focus for six weeks on a specific topic.  It may be to prepare for a new chapter that is opening up for you, it may be to put another chapter to a close.  Whatever it may be, I am here to guide you through this deep desire to release and integrate as you step into who you really are. 

And as with all my coaching containers, you will receive healing at the four layers of mind, emotions, body and spirit.  

And guess what? You get these bonuses too:

Anytime Access Between Radiance Calls to Me & The Entire Radiance Community

Imagine feeling frustrated or anxious and not knowing where to turn. Imagine being at the grocery store - unsure what to purchase to reach your health goals - trying to use an Ayurvedic oil - but unsure how to apply. Now you don't have to wait, you can ask your Ayurvedic coach and your resourceful community, right there, in the moment. We will use a group messaging app (so you can learn from each other) on your phone. Access me anytime (except for first thing in the morning! of course), anywhere. I am here for you.

Weekly Educational Videos & Worksheets, and Audio Clips

Each week you will receive a new video, audio-clip, or worksheet to deepen, reinforce and enhance your new grounding morning journey. Content will include yoga sessions, meditations, how to blend your herbs, apply your oils, cook & eat your food Ayurvedically, mantras, habit trackers, and more.

About Me

Rupa’s dedication to bringing not just basic healthcare access, but also vitality and radiance to all is seen throughout both her corporate and ayurvedic life coaching career.

Rupa has spent over 15 years working as a healthcare consultant and medical device marketer, working in over 20 countries on efforts such as bringing hospital supplies to Haitian hospitals, new cardiovascular services in Ghana, to patient financing options in the Philippines.

All the while, Rupa was on her own healing and spiritual journey, which pulled her to leave her corporate career in 2020, and return back to school to become a clinically trained Ayurvedic Practitioner and relational life coach. Rupa has coached over 70+ individuals and couples through both their personal and working relationships, as a vehicle for her clients’ own spiritual growth.

Rupa is especially passionate about coaching South East Asian individuals to learn the healthy relational, communication, and emotional processing tools that typically were overlooked and not taught to them during childhood, due to differences in generational priorities.


“Working with Rupa has truly been a life-changing experience, and I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to work with her! I’ve struggled with self-doubt, fear of failure, and managing boundaries my entire life, and I finally feel like I’ve not only started to understand the root causes of these issues but also feel Rupa is helping me build a realistic and active plan to address all of them. Rupa’s comforting style, her focus on accountability, as well as her ability to incorporate both physical and mental well-being into every session truly differentiate her from the rest. I would highly recommend working with her and can’t thank her enough for helping me lay the groundwork to being the best version of myself!”

corporate woman

Anonymous, Corporate Executive, Indian Descent, Sept 2021

Rupa is an amazing and a truly welcoming professional. She has the capacity to hold space for you to find out what remains unknown or forgotten within you.  Rupa finds the right words to express exactly what you are thinking, as if she could read in between all the emotions and sensations unfolding within you. That has helped me to reframe many of my internal dialogues with more empowering statements.

With Rupa I am able to create a space that feels safe to explore, discover, observe, release and ultimately grow.  With Rupa I feel welcomed, supported, and ready to build a more fulfilling life. A life that is truly aligned to my core values, and speaks from a place of  authenticity and love.

Rupa also provides wonderful metaphors and explanations that help me deal with my fears, wounds, or misperceptions. With her I feel calm, centered, open, and ready to go deep into all sorts of emotions. It is like having a conversation with an incredibly wise woman. 

Her attention to detail is unparalleled, and her capacity to listen is astonishing. She does that with all her senses. She is a real professional with a great gift for coaching. I am incredibly grateful to have come across Rupa in my life and in personal coaching experience”


Isabel, Corporate Tech Leader, Spain/USA, March 2021

Any questions?

Please reach out to me!

Wait? What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a system of holistic healing unlike any other, getting its roots from India, over 5000 years ago.

Ayurveda translates to the the study of life or the study of longevity.  At its core, Ayurveda is a holistic tradition and philosophy of life.

Ayurveda believes everything in nature is made of the same 5 elemental building blocks and that each person has a unique combination of these elements.

Did you know? Based on your unique constitution of these 5 elements, you have a unique physiology, likes, dislikes, tendencies, habits, mental and emotional character, and vulnerabilities toward imbalance and disease.  And there are unique routines, foods, and exercises that Ayurveda recommends you do to achieve balance

Integrating Ayurveda into your life can help with feeling overall wellness as well as being proactive about your health as it relates to immunity, digestion, disease prevention, energy, vitality, beauty and sleep.

With simple swaps, additions, and eliminations in your routine, Ayurveda can make a lasting impact in your long term health.

As a certified and clinically trained Ayurvedic Practitioner, I will guide you on how to unlock the wisdom of Ayurveda for your unique body.

Why kick things off in December?

Just like a good day starts with a well-prepared night, a strong start to 2024 begins with intention and action in advance.

December we will focus on getting clear on our goals and intentions. I will then craft a program to meet your individual and the community’s needs for Jan- May.

Here are some of the expansive topics that are possible to cover with Ayurveda:

The Guiding Principles of this Program

Rupa's Training & Credentials

Email Address




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